

1807, 2006

In These Times

By |July 18th, 2006|Categories: Press|Tags: |Comments Off on In These Times

In These Times July 18, 2006 by Steven Wishnia The motto of Rainbow Farm in Vandalia, Mich., could have been "A Working-Class Hippie Is Something to Be." On Memorial and Labor Day weekends from 1996 [...]

707, 2006

Utopia Gone to Pot

By |July 7th, 2006|Categories: Press|Tags: |Comments Off on Utopia Gone to Pot

Lux Esto July 7, 2006 by Zinta Aistars Surrounded by forces in blue, and most every other color of uniform, Rainbow Farm blazed in a fury of flames while guns were trained on the two [...]

2206, 2006

Lansing City Pulse

By |June 22nd, 2006|Categories: Press|Tags: |Comments Off on Lansing City Pulse

Lansing City Pulse June 22, 2006 by Bill Castanier There was no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow only fire, destruction, death and the end of a dream. In 1997, when Tom [...]

2006, 2006

Ashes at the end of Rainbow Farm

By |June 20th, 2006|Categories: Press|Tags: |Comments Off on Ashes at the end of Rainbow Farm

Detroit News June 20, 2006 by Michael H. Hodges Some call it Michigan's own mini-Waco.   Just one week before the September 11 terrorist attacks, FBI and state police sharpshooters took out the two owners [...]

1806, 2006

Casualties of War: 'Burning Rainbow Farm' chronicles the unnecessary death of two men in the anti-drug crusade

By |June 18th, 2006|Categories: Press|Tags: |Comments Off on Casualties of War: 'Burning Rainbow Farm' chronicles the unnecessary death of two men in the anti-drug crusade

San Diego Union-Tribune June 18, 2006 by John Wilkens In a famous 1928 U.S. Supreme Court dissent, Justice Louis Brandeis articulated what he believed was a cherished constitutional right -- "the right to be left [...]

1506, 2006

Way Beyond Stoned

By |June 15th, 2006|Categories: Press|Tags: |Comments Off on Way Beyond Stoned

Nashville Scene Why were a couple of gay Republican potheads blown away by the FBI? June 15, 2006 by Pablo Tanguay On Monday, Sept. 3, 2001, at 5:25 p.m., FBI special agent Richard Salomon, from [...]